How to watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV - Smarthome Hut

How to watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV

watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV
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If your TV is outdated or you have Non-Smart TV, well you are not entirely out of luck because you can also get Netflix on your Non-Smart TV by following methods.

Key Solution Points:

  • Add Netflix to devices such as Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, or Amazon Fire TV Stick.
  • Stream Netflix via smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and personal computers.
  • Connect Netflix accounts through gaming consoles such as Xbox, Nintendo, and Playstation.
  • Connect a Laptop to a TV via HDMI to Watch Netflix

On the other hand, Smart TVs connect to third-party apps like Netflix and amazon prime, etc with built-in installation.

  • Simply, Go to the App store
  • Download any App or streaming platform
  • Start watching and Enjoy on the big screen.

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With a Laptop or PC

The easiest way you can watch Netflix on your regular TV is by connecting it to a pc or Mac because all laptops have this feature called Screen Mirroring and you can mirror your laptop screen onto your TV and watch Netflix. 

👍First, you should get your hands on a good HDMI cable.

👍Connect one end to your Mac or Laptop and the other end to your TV.

  • From your remote, press the Source or Input button to go to HDMI and change the video input to HDMI. Now, choose the correct one from HDMI1 and HDMI2.

👍If you have a New Mac or type-c port

  • You can use HDMI to type-c adapters with your Laptop or PC. Now, you don’t need to buy Apple adapters because they get really expensive.

👍But in case your TV is old or doesn’t have an HDMI port

  • You can use HDMI to VGA converter to find out how you can use it watch out.

👍Next, Open the TV and select the HDMI channel that is related to your PC or Laptop.

👍Now, Go to Netflix, log in to your account and start watching your favorite shows or movies.

Adjust Sound System on your laptop or PC

But if the sound is coming from the laptop or PC instead of your TV or if you don’t hear anything, You’ll have to change your sound system on your laptop or PC.

  • Just type “Manage Audio Devices” in the search bar at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Open the sound system and select TV under output.
  • Now, Netflix allows downloading content ahead of mobile and window apps.
  • You simply search for ‘TV shows’ or ‘Movies’Click on the Download option.

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With Apple TV

Before implementing the following approaches, Make sure that your Non-Smart TV has HDMI input to stream Netflix via Apple TV.

In case of Apple TV 2 or Apple TV 3:

  • Go to the Homepage of your Apple TV
  • Click on Netflix from the Home screen.
  • Then sign into your account by entering your Email and password.
  • The device is now connected to your Netflix account.
  • Now, you can just start streaming.

In case of Apple 4 or Apple TV 4K:

Yes! Netflix does not come pre-installed these days, since Apple launched its own competitive streaming services like Apple TV plus

  • Go to Homepage of your Apple TV and click on App Store.
  • Download the Netflix app from the app store.
  • Now, install it and launch the Netflix app.
  • Then sign into your account by entering your Email and password.
  • The device is now connected to your Netflix account.
  • Now, you can just start streaming.
Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With Apple TV

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With a Streaming Device

The most popular way to watch Netflix on TV is by using a Streaming device like Chromecast, Fire Stick, Roku, or Apple TV. There all you have to do is get off those devices and attach them.

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With Chromecast

Must arrange an HDMI port, a Chromecast, and a phone or tablet to run and control the Chromecast.

  • First, Plug the Chromecast into the HDMI port on your Non-Smart TV.
  • Now, Connect your Chromecast and device to your same Wi-Fi network.
  • Go to Netflix on your device (iPhone or Tablet).
  • Now, Tap the Cast icon in the top right corner of the app.
  • From the list of available devices, select your Chromecast.
  • The Netflix app on your device will now act as the remote control, allowing you to browse and play content (apps) on your TV such as Samsung and LG ec..

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With Roku

Follow all steps to set up Netflix on your Roku streaming player or your Roku TV relatively. 

👍Start with the Home page of Roku

  • Now, Go down to where it says streaming channels and click ok on your Roku remote.

👍Go down to where it says a search channel and type Netflix.

  • Netflix is one of the most popular applications. so, go to the side and click ok on your remote where it says Netflix.

👍Now, click Add a channel and here you will download and install the Netflix application.

👍Put Netflix applications Title on your Roku Home Page. 

👍Now, The channel has been added at the end of the Home screen, and click ok

👍Go to the right page of Netflix, scroll down and you will find Netflix Title at the bottom. 

👍If you want to control Roku remotely, click the button that looks like a star.

click the star button

👍You will now be directed to Different options, go and click Move Channels.

👍Click OK on the Roku remote to set it. 

👍Now we have the Netflix app on our Roku and it will be on top.

👍Click OK button again on Roku remote in the Netflix app and you are signed in to your Netflix account.

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With Amazon Fire TV Stick

  • Go to the Search bar from your Home screen.
  • Type Netflix in the search bar.
  • Download and Install Netflix.
  • Put your login credentials in the Sing-in screen.
  • Your device has been connected to Netflix.
  • Netflix allows you to start your free month which you must take benefit of.
select netflix

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV With a Smartphone | Android or iPhone

Watching Netflix with your phone is a relatively easy approach due to the availability of Cast option which allows you to mirror your phone screen on your Smart TV or Chromecast.

Non-Smart TVs can also use HDMI adapters as an alternative to connect your phone to your TV to stream Netflix.

  • Open up Google Play Store on your Android or App store on your iPhone.
  • Go to the Search bar and type Netflix.
  • Download and install Netflix.
  • Open the Netflix application from your Home screen
  • Enter your Netflix Email and Password.
  • Click sign in and logged into your Netflix account.
  • Now, all you have to do is click on your profile and look for Download symbol.
  • So, you can download Movies and TV Episodes to watch later without using data.
click on Download buton

Watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV Using Game Console

Everyone has a gaming console that can be used to watch Netflix on a Non-Smart TV. Just follow instructions according to different gaming consoles.

Watch Netflix With PlayStation 4 and 4 Pro

  • First, Download and install the Netflix app from the PlayStation Store.
  • Now, launch it from your Home screen.
  • Sign in with your Netflix account information or create a new account.
  • Now, you can browse and watch content available on Netflix.
  • Your PlayStation controller or your TV remote can be used for control playback.

Watch Netflix With PlayStation 3

  • First, navigate to TV/Video Services and select Netflix.
  • Download and install the Netflix app from the PlayStation Store.
  • Now, launch it from the XMB (XrossMediaBar) menu.
  • Sign in with your Netflix account information or create a new account.
  • Now, you can browse and watch content available on Netflix.

Watch Netflix With Xbox One

  • First, download and install the Netflix app from the Xbox Store.
  • Now, Launch it from your home screen.
  • Sign in with your Netflix account information or create a new account.
  • Now, You can browse and watch content available on Netflix.You can also use your Xbox One’s voice commands with Kinect for control back if it’s connected to your console.

Watch Netflix With Xbox 360

  • First, download and install Netflix app from the Xbox.
  • Now, launch it from the Dashboard.
  • Now, sign in with your Netflix account information or create a new account.
  • Now, you can browse and watch content available on Netflix.
  • Note that the Netflix service may no longer be available on Xbox 360.
  • Netflix has stopped supporting the Xbox 360 platform as of 2021.

Watch Netflix With Nintendo Wii U

  • First, download and install Netflix app from the Wii U eShop.
  • Now, launch it from the Wii U menu.
  • Sign in with your Netflix account information or create a new account.
  • You can use the Wii U GamePad or the Wii U Pro controller for control playback.

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How to login Netflix on Samsung smart tv

  • First, open Netflix app from the home page by pressing the home button on your remote control.
  • Sign in to your Netflix account and just press continue.
  • Input your Email and password.
  • Click Next one more time and now you are signing in to the Netflix account.
  • Just select one character like outdoor.
  • You need to like 3 movies so Netflix can ensure that what thing you like so Press OK and then Continue.
login Netflix on Samsung smart tv

Can you watch Netflix without the internet?

  • Make sure that you have an active internet connection.
  • Go to NetflixClick on Available for Download
  • Write Minions when it appears, click on Minions
  • Click on Download option.
  • Remember you cannot download everything but you can download some shows or movies easily.

What is required for a Netflix connection?

To watch Netflix in Full HD, you need:

  1. A High or Premium plan
  2. The Internet connection speed of at least 5 megabits per second.
  3. Set video quality settings to low or medium to use less data.
  • You can check the connection speed of many devices with the Netflix app.
  • If you are using a mobile phone or computer you can check network speed from
  • Begin from the Netflix home screen.
  • Select Get Help or Settings from the menu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Netflix require the internet?

Streaming Netflix content requires an internet connection and is even higher for 4K video quality. However, you can download the shows and movies to your device for offline viewing.

Does Netflix work on Samsung smart tv?

Yes, Netflix works with Samsung smart TV. It also works on other smart TVs, including LG smart TV and Android TV.

How do I connect Netflix to a smart TV?

  • Simply, Go to the App store
  • Download any App or streaming platform
  • Start watching and Enjoy on the big screen.

How do I get Netflix on a hotel TV?

You can access the Netflix option from the Home menu by going into the Internet option. Now, you can sign in to your account and access Netflix, and watch movies.

How do I get Netflix on a second TV?

You must be on the same Wi-Fi network to stream Netflix on multiple devices.

How much does a Netflix Subscription Cost?

  • Basic – $8.99 per month
  • Standard – $13.99 per month
  • Premium – $17.99 per month

Do I need a satellite dish for Netflix?

A satellite dish has nothing to do with Netflix. You can access the app with an internet connection.

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About Author

Hamza Munir

Originally from Pakistan, being a young lad in Tech industry, Hamza has a keen interest in PC games, and Windows OS Security Systems. He loves technology and Alexa products and he has used multiple automated gadgets at home, with almost every version of the Echo and Rumbas especially. He is recently studying advanced AI and Machine Learning at ITU Pakistan. Now, He has also involved himself in Aurdino products to study advanced Robotics. His degree is Bachelor's in Computer Science but his Specialization has taken him to a higher positions at various job positions. Now, He writes detailed information on every issue and feature of Alexa, Echo, and other smart and automated gadgets and also reviews them according to my use and personal utility experience. Hamza has been providing people with different troubleshoots related to robotics, and AI since 2020 and He has attached himself with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">smarthomehut</a> in 2022 You can find him @ <ol> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Facebook</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Twitter</a></li> </ol> More Info <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">About Smarthomehut</a>

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