10 Ways to Fix Roomba Not Charging

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Roomba is an AI Robot vacuum device that functions through battery power and does its cleaning work. But, it may run into errors and if you feel Roomba is not charging, it needs immediate assistance to keep it working well. Head over to Key Solution Points below.

Potential Issues:

  • Roomba charges but sometimes creates issues.
  • Roomba doesn’t charge fully.
  • Roomba sometimes fails to Dock 
  • Roomba does light up but doesn’t start

Key Solution Points:

  • Clean Roomba Metal contacts
  • Clean Metallic Charging Points of the Battery
  • Check and Clean Roomba Wheels
  • Install Battery correctly
  • Reboot Roomba
  • Factory Reset

If your Roomba has also suffered from unexpected charging errors, you don’t need to worry. Because this is the most general error that people make and it is very easy to resolve. Just follow all steps to troubleshoot Roomba not charging.

iRobot Roomba 675 Robot Vacuum

Works with Alexa, Good for Pet Hair, Carpets

iRobot Roomba 675 Robot Vacuum

How To Fix Roomba Not Charging

Clean Roomba Metal contacts

Roomba has metallic charging points which are contacted perfectly with its charging station to charge Roomba. But, there may be some dust particles that block the connection and don’t let Charging Dock charge the battery efficiently. So, Clean metallic Contact Points.

  • First, take a clean cloth that you use to wipe your smartphone’s screen. This is the most effective way of cleaning.
  • Now, use your finger and clean the whole surface of the charging contacts.
  • If you are done cleaning the surface, put back Roomba on the charger and check if It stops giving the error and if it is charging correctly. 
  • Now, you are good to go.

Clean Charging points of Battery

Roomba battery is fitted on the back side of your device and it is tightened with multiple screws on each corner of the device.

  • First, unscrew all the screws with the help of a screwdriver.
  • Now, pull out the back cover of your Roomba device.
  • Pull out the battery carefully.
  • It is a little hard to draw the battery out, so make sure you don’t damage it.
  • Now, clean its surface points with a clean cloth.
  • Tighten up all the screws and put its cover back on your device.

Remove Obstruction 

Whenever you open the back cover and battery of Roomba, always make sure that there is no obstructive object stuck like hair or dirt particles. Actually, they block the connection area and don’t pass the power.

When you purchase Roomba for the first time, it is possible that you have not removed the yellow cover which is inserted inside and you have to pull it out to make it operative.

iRobot-Roomba-Charging-Problem-Fix-Repair, remove yellow label

Install the Battery correctly

If you have tried the methods above and have opened your Roomba device, then closed its cover and tightened the screws. Because you might have misplaced the correct position of the seating of the battery.

  • Always tighten up all the screws to make sure the cover doesn’t get loose.
  • Make sure that you check battery points are in contact with Roomba metal contacts.
  • Check that there is no obstructive object within it.

Clean the Roomba wheels

You might be thinking What Roomba wheel has to do with its charging?

Roomba wheels alignment is in accordance with its charging station. If there are dust particles or hair stuck on the wheel, it will alter the height which changes the position of Roomba’s charging points and they don’t make contact with Doc metal points.


I) Clean Side Wheels:

First of all, look at the middle hole of your side wheel where you can have access to the axle of your Roomba wheel and remove all the debris with the help of a cloth. Detail steps are mentioned in the latter point.

Roomba Side Wheels

II) Clean Front Caster Wheel

If your Caster Wheel is also not moving freely, there may be debris stuck which also causes squeaking in Roomba.

  • Firmly hold this caster wheel’s assembly to remove it from the robot.
  • Push firmly on the wheel to remove it from the wheel housing.
  • Remove any hair or debris from the wheel.
  • Now, re-install the wheel into the housing ensuring that both sides of the axle snap firmly into place.
  • Now, remove dust and debris from the front wheel cavity.
  • Re-install the caster wheel assembly into Robot.
Roomba Front Caster Wheel

Reboot Your Roomba

It is a very useful and powerful method to get Roomba charging again. Most electronic devices work properly when they are rebooted after any issue such as there may be a software malfunction stopping the device to work properly.

For S and I series models:

  • First of all, press Clean and hold it for about 20 seconds until the white LED starts spinning wait for a few seconds.
  • Now, let the Roomba turn on and check if it is working properly.

For 700, 800, and 900 series:

  • First of all, press Clean and hold it for about 20 seconds until you hear a beep.
  • Now, let the Roomba turn on and your device will be rebooted.
  • Clean Roomba Apartment Completely

Check the charging cable

Your Roomba power hub/base is connected to the power outlet via a charging cable. Most of the electrical devices in our home stop functioning just due to bad cable which may be faulty or burnt due to a short circuit. 

If it is burnt or faulty, replace it, connect it to the charging base firmly and charge again your Roomba.

Check Charging Station Power

  • Unplug the charging station and leave it unplugged for 2 minutes.
  • Plug the charging station back in and then check if the light will turn on.
  • The location of the light may vary based on the model.
  • Ensure that the outlet has power when plugged into the Dock.
check chraging station power

Roomba Dock Spring Loaded Pads

They are attached under the contact points of your power base(Charging station). Sometimes, they get loose and get unclean. 

So, they don’t make the connection with the Roomba which causes the battery not to be detected by Roomba. Even if they are not in the right position, Roomba does not detect the battery.

A few drops of WD-40 or isopropyl alcohol will clean the contact points if they are unclean otherwise, you have to change the points or spring breaks inside.

Roomba Doc Spring Loaded Pads

Replace the Battery

Roomba battery has a life span of 2-4 years or 400 cleaning cycles after which it has to be replaced to make Roomba work again.

  • First, Remove Bin from your device.
  • Pull out the side brush of your device.
  • Now, Open the screw with a screwdriver to remove the battery cover.
  • Alert! Make sure that you remove the battery to avoid any short circuits.
  • Now, remove the battery by unscrewing it from every corner.
  • You should now replace a new battery in place of the old one.
  • Make sure that you tighten all the screws back.
  • Position the battery and put its cover.

Replace the Dock

If you have checked the charging station’s (Dock) spring-loaded pads, and contact points, now it’s time to replace the Roomba.

You can acquire a free Charging station for your Roomba from iRobot if it is under warranty.

Reset Roomba

If you are unable to get the solution from all the above-mentioned methods, you must try resetting your Roomba which will surely help you.

  • First of all, hold on to Spot and Doc for almost 10 seconds until it gets off.
  • Now, turn it back on without the cover.
  • So, you will experience a bigger light without the cover.

(I have done this reset for my model 560 series but it is almost the same for other models as well.)

  • You should leave the button when you hear a special beep.
  • Now, your reset will be completed.
  • Make sure that you keep the Roomba on the charging base for a little longer time.

iRobot Roomba E5 Robot Vacuum

Works with Alexa, Good for Pet Hair, Carpets

iRobot Roomba E5 Robot Vacuum

Contact Support

If you have tried all the approaches mentioned above and cannot find the solution, this indicates that the problem is in your device by the factory. You must contact the official support of Roomba. 

They will surely guide you to the best and resolve your problem. If your Roomba is under warranty, you have the right to claim a new battery. Hopefully, You will get a new battery.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my Roomba battery is bad?

If Roomba is returning to recharge after the completion of a cleaning cycle, it will play a series of tones to indicate the successful completion of the cleaning cycle.

Does the Roomba base light stay on when charging?

The Roomba base light flashes for a few seconds and it just turns off immediately to save energy.

How to charge Roomba without the home base?

You must arrange a charging jack then you can charge it using an iRobot charging power supply without a home base.

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