Echo Dot won’t Reset(8 Ways to Fix)

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There could be many things that are not allowing reset. 

  • First of all, check that you are not following the reset method of other Echo devices’ models.
  • There may be issues like your Echo device not receiving the commands properly and there may be some errors.

Echo Dot Won’t Reset[Steps for a Complete Fix]

Here are the issues and their relative fixes, We have implemented them to fix Echo’s reset issues and we will try to describe each method through the article.

  1. Check the user manual
  2. Ensure that the speaker is fully plugged in 
  3. Internet Connectivity Issue
  4. Out of Date Software
  5. Reset Echo Dot Properly
    • 1stGeneration
    • 2nd Generation
    • 3rd Generation
  6. Unplug the Echo Device
  7. Use an Amazon-certified Power Adapter
  8. Try Factory Resetting Your Alexa App

Why can’t I reset my Echo Dot?

Echo will not reset if you are following the wrong method or you are not applying your specific Echo model. It may be due to the power issues that Echo is not plugged in correctly or it is not getting minimal power supply. You must make sure that you have a proper internet connection. We also have heard issues people faced only due to the outdated software.

What do the lights on Alexa mean?

Alexa gives notifications and information in the form of multiple lights on its Echo ring.

orangeAlexa is trying to connect to a wireless network.
RedThe mic button is pressed up and the speaker does not listen to any command.
AmberSpeaker is ready to get paired to your device.
VioletThis shows an error during wi-fi setup.
BlueThe echo is paired with another device via Bluetooth.

Echo Dot Won’t Turn Orange

If your Echo won’t turn orange, it means that Alexa is struggling to connect and it won’t reset your device.
Steps To Avoid Orange Light Issues
(i)Check that you have an active internet connection and it is not lagging to avoid the device from disconnecting from the internet.
(ii)Make sure that you have no other device connected to the internet to make it process smoothly.
(iii)Bring the router and the device close to each other.

If your Echo won’t turn orange, it means that Alexa is struggling to connect and it won’t reset your device.

Must Check: Alexa Blue Light Spinning(Fixed)

Steps To Avoid Orange Light Issues

  • Check that you have an active internet connection and it is not lagging to avoid the device from disconnecting from the internet.
  • Make sure that you have no other device connected to the internet to make it process smoothly.
  • Bring the router and the device close to each other.

You will have thorough detail on the reset methods below.

Steps To Avoid Orange Light Issues

Types of Amazon Echo reset

You must ensure the issue with your Echo and then implement the relevant reset approach.

Let’s suppose, if your Echo is not responding by any means, you must check your power connection. Plug the Echo switch out, wait for a few seconds and then replug it correctly.

1. Check the user manual

There are many versions of the Echo device. There is more than one model of Echo exists. You must follow your Echo model manual to reset your Echo.

There may be a case where the user is heading towards his Echo manual but he is not following the procedure accurately which may result in the wrong reset. 

For example, If it says that you should press and hold the volume down buttons for 20 seconds, you should hold it for 20 seconds. You must check that you are not pressing the wrong buttons on your Echo. There are no button labels on the Echo.

If you are following the method from any manual or some online method, make sure that you first check your Echo’s generation and match it with the manual.

Echo Dot won't Reset
User Manual

2. Ensure that the speaker is fully plugged in

Check if your Echo(speaker) is correctly plugged in with your power adapter and then it is plugged into the port of the speaker.

Sometimes, Your Echo is not fully plugged in, which may cause a malfunction to the Echo.

There may be some unequal voltage being provided to the speaker which may cause errors in its software.

Why can’t I reset my Echo Dot

When it is plugged in correctly, its LED will be turned on.

If you think that the power socket has no issues, you must check your adapter with another device.

If it has no issue with another device, you must change your adapter and then try to reconnect it with your Echo.

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3. Internet Connectivity Issue

There are many cases whereby only resetting the internet connection, your issues with Echo are automatically fixed.

Echo needs a moderate internet connection and if it is facing connectivity issues due to the low internet speed, it may not function fully.

Make sure that your Echo device is close to the internet router. If there is an abnormal distance between your Echo and the router, you must bring them close to each other. IF it resolves the problem the good for you.

But, if the error persists, you must reset your internet router. Sometimes, there are some issues that make the internet router nonfunctional.

To reset the router, follow the steps mentioned below.

What do the lights on Alexa mean
  • First, unplug the router’s connection wire.
  • Turn it off fully.
  • Wait for 60 seconds.
  • Replug the wire and check again.
  • Your internet issue must be resolved now.

4. Out of Date Software

In most internet-based functional devices, Only updating the software can resolve many issues which cause the device to function improperly. 

You must check the Alexa app(a software in Echo devices by amazon) whether it needs any firmware update.

  • Go to your Alexa app
  • Check the settings there.
  • Check device software version
  • Check any firmware updates available.
How to reset 1st-generation Echo

5. Reset Echo Dot Properly(Generation Specific)

Please follow your specific generation Echo and check its reset method accordingly.

How to reset 1st-generation Echo

  1. First of all, check the reset button. It is a small hole near the base of the device.
  2. Use a paper clip to press and hold the reset button. You will see Echo’s light changing. You should hold the button until the light turns orange, and then blue. 
  3. Wait for a few seconds and the light will turn off and on. Orange light shows that your Echo is in setup mode.
  4. Open the Alexa app and register it to your Amazon account.

How to reset 2nd-generation Echo

  1. Press and hold the mic and volume(-) buttons simultaneously for about 30 seconds. You will see Echo’s light changing. You should hold the button until the light turns orange, and then blue.
  2. Wait for a few seconds and the light will turn off and on. Orange light shows that your Echo is in setup mode.
  3. Open the Alexa app and register it to your Amazon account.
Echo Dot Won't Turn Orange

How to reset 3rd and 4th generation Echo

  1. Press and hold the action button for almost 30 seconds. You will see Echo’s light changing. You should hold the button until the light turns orange, and then blue.
  2. Wait for a few seconds and the light will turn off and on. Orange light shows that your Echo is in setup mode.
  3. Open the Alexa app and register it to your Amazon account.

6. Unplug and replug the Echo Device

Many devices come out of the minor issues when they are reset and that reset may be in different ways.

Try to unplug your Echo for about 30 seconds and then replug it. This will reboot your Echo totally.

In this method, you must ensure that your Echo has a valid internet connection and it is not lagging and may disconnect from the device.

Check your Echo internet through your device and it will appear on the upper corner of the device. I am sure that this will solve your problem. 

  • If the internet connection is not well, you must try factory reset for your Echo.
  • Click on the device button on your Echo.
  • Chose the device in the app.
  • A status box will appear.
  • Slide down the box and factory reset will appear.
Amazon-certified Power Adapter

Check out if you have your personal information in it and try to keep that data in another device to save.

7. Use an Amazon-certified Power Adapter

There may be some wire-joint connecting issue that causes the connection to distract and in severe cases, it disconnects.

You must check that the adapter is not burnt.

I have tried to change my adapter and purchased it from the local market but it did not work with my Echo. You should always get the Amazon-certified adapter. The global adapters are not compatible with the Echo and they are not even good for the life of the Echo.

Factory Resetting Your Alexa

8. Try Factory Resetting Your Alexa App

You must make sure that you deregister your device from the Alexa account before resetting.

  • To do so, go to your Alexa app
  • Go to the device settings
  • Click on the device settings
  • Now, deregister the device, you want to remove.

If unfortunately, you are not able to solve your problem “Echo dot won’t reset”, you must follow the factory reset in that case.

Read This: You can read more on Resetting Echo

To factory reset your Echo, follow the steps mentioned below.

  1. Go to the Alexa app
  2. Click on “Echo & Alexa” icon.
  3. Pick the Echo Dot device you want to reset.
  4. Press “Factory Reset.”
  5. Click OK to confirm.

I hope that your Echo will be reset and function properly after you follow the methods mentioned above.

People Also Ask

The orange light doesn’t appear when you first switch on Echo, go to Alexa app and tap on “More > Add a Device.” Now, select “Amazon Echo” and choose the device there.

If it is totally unresponsive, you need to power it off and give it a few seconds. It will reboot the device.

Press and hold the action button until it turns orange and then goes blue. You may need to check your Echo generation for the full guide in this article.

Your device will automatically go into setup mode once you connect it to wi-fi.

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