28 Amazon Alexa Music Commands 

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From Media news to football matches, Amazon Alexa can do everything just on simple voice commands. Alexa music commands can have full control of your smart home by controlling your smart home gadgets and giving you weather news and much more.

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Alexa is almost a Dj. Just give it access to your music play or Spotify. It will select the playlist itself. It will look for songs. But, it is difficult to learn Alexa commands but once you are done with that you don’t have to move yourself to make things serve you.

Alexa Music Commands 

If you don’t grasp the music commands, just take a little note of this article and enjoy your favorite music while sitting on your couch.

Most of these commands work really well with Amazon Music.

You can add your default music app name after the command like this:

“Alexa, play [song] on Spotify.”

But if you have set the default music app. You don’t have to mention it every time.

Alexa Playlist Commands[Complete list]

Alexa Playlist Commands

Change the Volume

This command has multiple types and all have very helpful utility. Depending on the situation, you can have various scenarios which require sudden action. Alexa commands are very helpful in this case.


If you want to increase the volume, Just say;

“Alexa, louder.”


If your Mom is calling you and you can’t interact with her and wanna decrease its volume, Just say;

“Alexa, softer.”


If someone has come to visit you and you want to stop Alexa, just say;

“Alexa, mute.”


This command mutes the volume but your music is still playing.

If you want entirely to stop Alexa, say;

“Alexa, pause the music.”


If you want to play music from the default music app,

Just say;

Alexa Play

Reading Recommendation: Alexa voice commands in Music


If you want to pause the music of the current song,

Just say;

Alexa Pause


If you want to resume the current song,

Just say;

Alexa Resume


If you want to stop the music completely,

Just say;

Alexa stop


Some people always stick to their mood choice and listen to songs of a specific genre.

But, few people want to change tastes and want to try listening to every second song.

In this case, If you want to play the second song and want to skip the current one,

Just say;

Alexa next track

Explore more Alexa commands skills, Read Here


If you want to go to the previous track,

Just say;

Alexa previous track.


If you want to play the random songs when you are at the party and skip songs selection to Alexa,

Just say;

Alexa shuffle music.

Alexa Music Commands


Alexa Spotify Commands ( If your spotify is not connecting with Alexa, Fix the issue Here)

If you want to play an Artist,

Just say,

Alexa play [artist name]


Songs are played by Alexa in the form of a playlist and everyone has set his own playlist and has added their favorite songs to that.

When randomly you hear the song or it just surrounds in your head, you should better add that song to your playlist.

To add your favorite song to the playlist,

Just say;

“Alexa, add this song to my [paylist name] playlist.”


If you want to play any specific song from any artist,

Just say;

Alexa play [song name] by [artist].


If you want to play the album,

Just say;

Alexa play the album [album name] by [artist]


If you want to play music when you are at a party or you are in the pool and want to listen to songs according to different moods and activities,

Just say;

Alexa, play music for [activity]


In case of mood specific, when you are welcoming the new year or celebrating your win and you’re happy or on your loss, you’re sad,

You may want to listen to songs that ease your emotions.

Just say,

Alexa, play [mood choice] music.


This command will give you the songs like just put angry, happy, or sad in place of ‘mood’, and Alexa will satisfy you with its own selection of songs.

If you are getting late for your office and want to refresh yourself, you probably want to play music for a specific time period,

Just say,

amazon Alexa Music Commands

Alexa, play music for [time]


If you want to stop the music after a certain time period. This is mostly the case when you want to sleep after listening to music and quit after a few minutes,

Just say;

Alexa, stop music in [time]


Sometimes, you listen to songs from anyone’s device and the lyrics just leave in your mind. You want to get that song and listen to it again and again. Alexa in this case can help you.

You should just sing the lyrics a little bit and Alexa will work for the rest.

“Alexa, play that song that goes like [lyric].”

Now, you can enjoy your favorite music when you don’t know the song’s name and Alexa has made it easy for you to search the song.


If you want to loop any of your playlists,

Just say;

Alexa, loop this playlist


If you are listening to any random music and you liked the song, you probably want to have the song info.

You may get song info from Alexa by just saying;

Alexa, what kind of song is this?


If you want Alexa to recommend you any song,

Just say;

Alexa, recommend some new music


If you wish to adjust the bass settings,

Just say;

  • Alexa set bass to minimum
  • Alexa set bass to maximum

You can also have the bass set on any number.


If you want to increase the midrange,

Just say,

Alexa playlist

Alexa, increase midrange


If you want to decrease the midrange,

Just say;

Alexa, decrease midrange


Some people have one choice of mood or activity and they don’t want to change their genre. They want to stick to their choice. In this case, they can give the command to Alexa to play the songs of their specific genre.

Just say,

“Alexa, play [genre] music.”

Some famous genres are as follows:

  • Pop.
  • Rap.
  • Folk.
  • Rock
  • Metal
  • Hip Hop


If you want to play a radio channel, just say;

Alexa, play [radio station name or frequency].

Always use the right command otherwise any music or radio command won’t work.


  • Alexa is an Artificial Intelligent human Assistant. It can do many things which machines usually don’t do because it involves the mind and AI does it well.
  • When you listen to songs on youtube, it gives you the song preference by your choice.
  • Similarly, in Alexa, It will give you song preference according to your choice.
  • You have to say the commands below and it will auto-suggest the songs below and will remove the song which you don’t like and will not again try to play the songs of such genre.
  • When you like the song When you don’t like the song

“Alexa, I like this song.” “Alexa, I don’t like this song.”

How to control Spotify with Alexa

Before playing Spotify on Echo, you need to download the Spotify Alexa skill.

How to control Spotify with Alexa

Just follow the method below.

From the Alexa app, go to more.

  1. Go to settings there.
  2. Under the preference section, select music and podcasts.
  3. Click Link new service.
  4. Select Spotify from the music services list.
  5. You can also do it for any other Music or podcast service app.
  6. Click Enable.
  7. Now connect your Spotify account by logging in.
  8. Click Agree.
  9. You are all set.

How can you create a playlist in Alexa?

This is just so simple.

You have to say,

  • Alexa, create a or
  • Alexa, Create [music playlist]

Frequently Aked Questions

  • 90s Hip HOp BBQ
  • Ckassic Rock Dinner Partly
  • Modern Country workout

You should have the active subscription with either amazon music or soptify.

Uptown Funk

You can use amazon music or spotify t play your playlist. Alexa also creates playlist for you and make it easier to keep and listen to your songs.

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